- Pages: 148
- Genre: Modern Classics, Fiction
- Year: 1991
- Sold to:
- Turkey (Marti Yayinlari)
- Bulgaria (Hemus)
- Brazil (Rocco)
- Czech Republic (Ivo Zelezni/Praha)
- Denmark (Rhodos)
- Sweden (Rabén/Prisma/Arleskar)
- France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Gallimard)
- Germany/Austria/Switzerland (Saga Verlag)
- Spain/Andorra/South and Central America/USA (Tusquets)
- UK/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa, USA/Philippines (Mare’s Nest)
- Italy (Il Saggiatore)
- Finland (Like)
- The Netherlands/Belgium/ Luxembourg (De Geus)
- Greece (Ellinika Grammata)
- Estonia (SA Kultuurilent)
- Lithuania (Leidykla Vaga)
- Taiwan (Owl Publishing)
- World Arab (Sphinx)
- Ethiopia (Qirtas)
- Macedonia (Antolog)
- Film Rights Sold
- Latvia (Aminori)