• Pages: 132
  • Genre: Fiction
  • Year: 2013
  • Sold to:
  • The Netherlands (De Geus)
  • Sweden (Alfabeta)
  • Germany/Austria/Switzerland (S.Fischer)
  • USA/Philippines/Canada (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
  • Spain/South America (Nórdica)
  • France/Switzerland/Luxembourg/Canada (Payot & Rivages)
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  • Norway (Orkana)
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  • Finland (Like)
  • Denmark (C&K Forlag)
  • Serbia (Geopoetika)
  • Spain (Nórdica)
  • Galicia (Rinoceronte Editora)
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  • Italy (Federico Tuzzi Editore)
  • Ukraine (V YDAVNYTSTVO)
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  • Croatia (VBZ)

Moonstone – The Boy Who Never Was (2013)

Author: Sjón